Master Bedroom Suites
The two ground-floor master bedroom suites feature king-size beds on reclaimed teakwood floors, large dressing areas and equally generous bathrooms with twin vanities, rain shower cubicles and terazzo or granite-surround bathtubs looking onto private gardens beyond.
Guest Bedrooms
Two upper-floor guest bedrooms offer the flexibility of twin beds that can be joined to make a king, an indoor shower room reached via the walk-through dressing area, and a small well-screened and completely private sun-terrace.
What a wonderful stay we had here !
Villa Sally Team,
What a wonderful stay we had here ! Thank you very much for all of the warmth & incridible hospitality you served all of us. We will never forget this trip and all of you. Every last moment here was simply perfection and we appriciate all of your hard work & professionalism tremendously.
We wish you a happy, healthy & prosperous 2017 & hope to have more beautiful memories here with you in the future…
with love
02th Feb, 2020